Transforming Marble Waste into High-Performance, Water

Marble waste is generated by marble processing units in large quantities and dumped onto open land areas. This creates environmental problems by contaminating soil, water, and air with adverse health effects on all the living organisms. In this work, we report on understanding the use of calcium-ric …

Wastewater Treatment and Water Recycling

Current Issues in Oman. Oman is one of the most water scarce nations in the MENA region with only 416 m 3 water/person/year, compared to average 1,429 m 3 water/person/year in the rest of the region. Industries in SIPA, such as petrochemical, power, fertilizer, methanol, steel and iron processing plants, require cooling and …

RWTP – Rima Water Treatment Projects LLC

Rima Water Treatment Plant is a joint venture of local and global companies with a deep knowledge of the oil & gas sector. We provide groundbreaking, first-of-its-kind …

Oman To Invest $7 Billion In Wastewater Treatment

The Sultanate has pledged investments to the tune of around $7 billion in the further development of a countrywide wastewater treatment, recycling and reuse infrastructure …

Innovative opportunities for Omani stone and marble …

Exploring innovative opportunities for industries in Oman's Minerals and Mining sector and possible technology transfer collaborations, the IIC representatives focused their attention on MRC's Advanced Material and Mineral Processing departments along with its Rock and Silica Technology sections. ... marble and granite products. On …

Sultanate of Oman's first tyre recycling plant opens

The Sultanate of Oman's first tyre recycling plant opened under the auspices of Qais bin Mohammed al Yousef Minister of Commerce, Industry and... Sunday, September 08, 2024 | Rabi' al-awwal 4, 1446 H clear sky. OMAN. 29°C / 29°C . EDITOR IN CHIEF- ABDULLAH BIN SALIM AL SHUEILI. LOGIN ...

PGS Oman

Wanting to grow, the company was further empowered to establish a Fish Processing Unit to be the leading exporter of fresh, frozen and most nuanced quality seafood products in Oman's Sultanate. PGS launched Primex Logistics Solutions to offer superior quality last-mile delivery and fleet management services as a logistics service provider.

Wastewater Treatment and Water Recycling

processing plants must be treated with domestic sewage. Customer Overview Oman is one of the most water scarce nations in the MENA region with only 416 m3 water/ person/year, compared to average 1,429 m3 water/person/year in the rest of the region. Industries in SIPA, such as petrochemical, power, fertilizer, methanol, steel and iron …

Transforming Marble Waste into High-Performance, Water …

Marble waste is generated by marble processing units in large quantities and dumped onto open land areas. This creates environmental problems by contaminating soil, water, and air with adverse health effects on all the living organisms. In this work, we report on understanding the use of calcium-rich marble waste particulates (MPs) as …

DAF Application for Wastewater Treatment in …

The wastewaters generated during the marble processing (cutting and grinding operations), the average flow rates of which are ca. 15 m3/h for a plant producing 45 m2 of polished marble/h, contain ...

Analysis of Oman's Marble Industry: Current State and …

Improvement of Sustainability: The marble industry in Oman is investing in sustainable practices, such as water recycling and reducing CO2 emissions. Adopting …

(PDF) An integrated approach towards marble waste

This paper provides the physio-chemical status of the water samples collected from various marble processing units, selected randomly, in the area.

Sustainable approach towards utilizing Makrana marble …

During marble mining, processing, cutting and polishing, more than 12 MT (million tons) of marble waste is produced in the state of Rajasthan, India, which is now a major environmental issue. The marble waste used in the present study was collected from Makrana marble mining, Rajasthan. The major mineral present in marble waste were …


scale 'Marble Processing Plant' that will process raw marble blocks and produce marble strips, tiles and slabs for construction industry. The proposed unit will have installed capacity of processing 1,500 sq. ft. of marble per day and 450,000 sq. ft. per year. The unit will operate on 8 hours single shift per day and total 300 days in a year.

Stone, Marble, Granite: Water and slurry treatment plants

Recycling, treatment & dewatering of this mud or waste water is applied in order to achieve a closed loop production cycle. With the use of Thickener and Filter Press & without using any polymer (or chemicals), Cogede supply an efficient & reliable waste water treatment plant. The recycled water can be reused in the plant or can be disposed safely.

Mineral Processing Plant Oman | Westwood Water

A mineral processing facility in Oman required a new water treatment system to recover water from multiple effluents to improve environmental sustainability and reduce waste disposal costs. The water treatment …

Feasibility Study of Industrial Unit for …

Fig (4) shows the marble and granite wastes recycling unit (24). The re-use of the natural marble and granite refuse industry is divided into four main sections: The third section (mixing & sieving) The outcome of the …

Recycling waste from natural stone processing plants to stabilise

In addition, the unit weight of calcitic marble powder (γ s = 2.68 g/cm 3) and granite powder (γ s = 2.68 g/cm 3) were similar. The higher unit weight of the dolomitic marble powder (γ s = 2.78 g/cm 3) resulted in a higher unit weight for the soil sample stabilised with the dolomitic marble powder.

(PDF) An integrated approach towards marble waste

tor. Quantitativel y evaluate both the ... water recycling. ... In addition, the waste generated in the form of slurry by each marble processing unit on a daily (1.65 m 3), monthly (50.25 m 3 ...

International Marble Oman

International Marble Co. LLC (IMC), an ISO 9001certified company, was established in 1999 with the objective of producing and supplying top quality marble. IMC owns and operates marble quarries having huge deposits situated at Ibri, Sultanate of Oman. The quality of marble is world class in terms of color consistency and water absorption. It is …

Recycling of Marble Slurry Waste: A case study on Rajasthan marble …

In the processing unit the marble blocks are cut into slabs by gang saw units. During the process of cutting and tiling marble dust is formed and generated as waste. In order to prevent damage to the blades due to excessive abrasion, water is sprinkled on blades continuously. The water gets mixed with marble powder and slurry is formed.

Recycling of Marble Slurry Waste: A case study on …

There are around 1100 marble processing unit s all over Rajasthan state. Important processing centers are Kishangarh, Alwar, Makrana, Udaipur, Rajasmand and Nathdwara. In the processing unit the marble blocks are cut into slabs by gang saw units. During the process of cutting and tiling marble dust is formed and generated as

A Nature-Friendly Approach | Sustainable …

Wastes resulting from marble processing processes are known for their environmental impact and negative effects on the ecosystem. ... At the same time, the recycling process can prevent water and soil pollution …

Analysis of Oman's Marble Industry: Current State and …

Improvement of Sustainability: The marble industry in Oman is investing in sustainable practices, such as water recycling and reducing CO2 emissions. Adopting these practices helps protect the environment and improve the industry's image. Conclusion. Overall, the marble industry in Oman has positive growth prospects.

An integrated approach towards marble waste …

situated in the downstream areas contaminating the water resource and leading to serious health problems. Excessive marble extraction and industrial processing also cause an ecological imbalance. Marble mining and processing have increased underground water pollution. Water samples from the marble handling regions indicated an increased amount

Basic Information about Water Reuse | US EPA

Basic Information about Water Reuse. Basics of Water Reuse. Water reuse (also commonly known as water recycling or water reclamation) reclaims water from a variety of sources then treats and reuses it for beneficial purposes such as agriculture and irrigation, potable water supplies, groundwater replenishment, industrial processes, and …

Antimony Processing Plant Water Recycling, Oman

The plant uses two precipitation stages to remove hardness and antimony and arsenic, followed by Clean TeQ Water's CIF ® technology to remove hardness before water continues to reverse osmosis (RO).

Application of response surface methodology for the …

It may however be observed that marble processing industries dispose about 90% [9] of their total waste generated in the form of a concentrated slurry with very fine particles suspended in it after recovering the major part of the processing water.

An integrated approach towards marble waste …

Marble units generate an enormous amount of non-biodegradable waste during the processing operations and are considered one of the environmentally unfriendly industrial sectors. This sector has become a global nuisance due to its multi-dimensional damaging nature. Therefore, a multidimensional approach is needed to geographically …

Environmentally sustainable mining in quarries to reduce …

Environmentally sustainable mining in quarries to reduce waste production and loss of resources using the developed optimization algorithm